Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A new leaf (362/365a)

Hello Kitty!

Theodore and I found this cat on the way home. We see him/her quite frequently, but I have never stopped to take her photo. She was very camera receptive. We were on our way back together from one of Thomas' orchestra concerts (ysop), and from the abenteuerspielplatz, where I got to congratulate Fritz on becoming a grandfather. There was a guy there, who saw me with my instrument case, and asked if I played "violin or viola" ... on hearing "viola" he said "We really need a viola, do you like to play string quartets? are you good?" !!! First time for everything. The very last time I was standing in nearly the identical place, another dad asked me what I played (I also had my case with me) and he told me, with utmost confidence, that the viola is "a little bigger than the violoncello but not as big as the double bass." I didn't correct him.

The weather for the winter got me down, and so did a lot of other things. The worst is when you don't feel good despite doing the "right" things... excercising etc. But, wait, is that really the worst? What if the choice is between sad and healthy or sad and unhealthy? it's obvious what to chose, right? Logic!

More sleep, no afternoon coffees, pre-practice yoga, outside as much as possible, healthy food instead of junk, and plenty of laughing. sounds good right? To say nothing of me staying up past midnight again today because I wanted to skype longer with Labeeby. "Come what may, tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow."

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