Thursday, April 5, 2018

(363/365a) (last palindromic day number of the year!)

palindromic photo...
"mirror(s) in the mirror"
I was very privileged to play with my dear cousin Pauli today, at the room he reserved at the KUG. 

a year ago this past new years eve, we sight read some silly stuff together, but i asked if i could crash his practice time and play with him, and he said yes. we read through some Granados and this Arvo Pärt piece.... it was so calming and relaxing, in spite of the piano having a very very very squeaky sustain pedal. I was antsy about having enough time to practice though, and I had errands to run in the city and Theodore to take from singschule to the opera (first rehearsal for Midsummer Night's Dream) so I left a little earlier than I would have liked.

Tomorrow I have a lesson with Elke, and I am going to sleep early :)

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