Monday, April 2, 2018

Empty Monday (360/365)

Glorious day to do nothing at all...
...sunny and not too hot

lazy in the morning... and talk

we sadly waved goodbye to the slovenians... we found out later in the evening that it took them several extra hours to get home, because of the need of a tow truck due to coolant leak.

meanwhile brian took the kids the long way (nice walk on a nice day) to jackie and andi for dinner time and i got some time to myself
i did some work on my prefaces, finished the one about the Bargiel Octet. Phew! only 6 months after my own self-imposed deadline. better late than never. I did some photo editing, i caught up on my blog posts, and got to see some john oliver and eat some cake. very productive. then i dressed myself nice and warmly (probably too warmly) and walked myself over.

andi took this photo through the window
spring is officially here - dinner is outside!
father and daughter

i looked it up, in anticipation of the end of this week... to print this blog would be nearly 450 pages and cost, well, a lot....

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