Tuesday, April 24, 2018

catching up (16/365b)

Playing catchup with a chairdrobe

I'm a little behind on everything. Thank goodness for all the support I have, even with Brian gone on his trip to London.

Today I took the kids to their first swim lesson. We got there plenty early, almost an hour early, so we even had time to do homework at the entrance to the pool. At some point I noticed no other kids had arrived yet, so I asked someone, and they let me know that I was in the wrong place. She was very annoyed to be asked where I should go though. With my phone nearly battery free, I tried on my computer (which I had with me so I could while away the swim lesson hour updating my blog, haha) and found an address in Liebenau, so off we went, helter skelter to get to Liebenau on the tram, back the way we came. Good thing we were talking on the tram. That pool you are talking about is near the center of town, you have to go back and out on a different tram. Twenty minutes later we were off the tram walking towards the correct place. With my last remaining battery, Brian text messaged me which direction we should be walking. Arrived, changed their clothes, they got in the pool, and right back out. Next week there is no swim lesson, but the week after, we will be there on time! :)

My heard hurt today Nearly migraine territory. I didn't look so good either... the lady at the second hand shop that we stopped at to get Henry's new shoes (his old ones were nearly falling off his feet) wanted to make me some coffee, because I looked like my head hurt. :( Going to bed quite early.

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