Wednesday, April 11, 2018

homework in the sun (4/365b)

thomas orchestra concert again, in a different old-folks home. nina was over more awake this morning, and i picked up theodore from school, nina walked back with henry. henry was cute, he waited till the last possible minute to decide whether he would stay with me and go to the concert or go home.

theodore writing

one in a field of many
intricacies inside
it was a fine day and concert, but it was very very hot inside (older people like it that way i guess) ... i felt like i couldn't get enough to drink or eat afterwards.

tonight was a good night for staying up a little later than usual, baking a chocolate pie, drinking the bottle of prosecco we didn't make it through last night, and getting some nina centa brian chatting in (after the requisite yoga and practicing).

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