Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter-Foolsday! (359/365a)

Today is both Easter, and April Fool's Day.
centa went on an ostrich egg hunt in osterreich
another early morning [i left alone at 8, after finishing the easter bread and other such things]

the others came to easter service in Puntigam, where the slovenians, atheists and children sat in the front row, not knowing when to stand and sit haha. at an hour and a quarter it was too long for everyone, but the music was good!

at home centa prepared the egg hunt, the dinner table, the surprises, and we had quite a good time eating all the foods. :)

hidden in plain sight

the spread

henry found an egg.
martin points to the egg-carton: i also found an egg

dinner left the adults nearly comatose. naps were staggered, but eventually we all got to go together for a walk... (well, brian was still sleeping on the floor, but there was only so much daylight left) ... the sun was shining (in opposition to what the weather report said) and we sang the ave verum on the way, and an easter song that felix learned in chorus that he was very invested in us learning. we looked at the ducks along the mur, soaked in the spring, and didn't walk very far so that everyone would stay in a good mood.

we were all still full from easter breakfast, so those who needed food just grazed.

we made a gigantic easter fire at dusk, sang in 4 part harmony (for 8 measures, brian sang bass, otherwise it was just 3-part) played some card games. we did not stay up late tonight, but i tried contact juggling under mary's tutelage.


  1. Happy Easter-Foolsday :) what did you do with the ostrich (austrich!?!) egg?

  2. :) that's would be a better title! happy easter to you, too! we haven't done anything yet with the ostrich egg because we are sort of egged-out (see, Easter) but it's waiting in the fridge to be omeletted....
