Tuesday, April 10, 2018

spring has sprung(3/365b)

spring has sprung
the grass is riz
i wonder where
the birdies iz
i've been waiting for these for 2 years. last year they were frost bitten at the last minute. the plum tree outside our living room is nearly bloom (they will be open in a day or two) and it's right outside the window that i'm practicing by. ah! i'm so lucky!

breakfast with barbara this morning, so yummy (if i do say so myself), made extra so because of the fabulous flavorful herbs that are also back after the winter. we made up descriptions for all of our quintet members so that we can do weeks of "who's who" on social media. these things take up so much time! at least we had fun, and had good conversation the whole time too.

theodore and henry went on boys day with bikes with Fritz, and they got dropped off right at home. felix and brian and the foersters went to visit the place where the kindergarten is moving to. i had the house to myself and practiced more and more, until everyone was home again, and i gave some baths, and then discovered *Nina* home again after her America trip. hooray. not too much celebrating though, because my mini rehearsal with Bettina playing the Bridge Lament, and jet lag combined to conquer even the most determined stay-up-later.

so happy i got to do day seven of yoga with brian. and day two (i don't learn) of charade before bed. at least there were no loose ends!

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