Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rous-sew? (361/365a)

For years, I thought this quote was by Rousseau, but it's by D.H. Lawrence, from his posthumous papers.
From earliest childhood, let us have independence, independence, self-dependence. Every child to do all it can for itself, wash and dress itself, clean its own boots, brush and fold its own clothes, fetch and carry for itself, mend its own stockings, boys or girls alike, patch its own garments, and as soon as possible make as well as mend for itself. Man and woman are happy when they are busy, and children the same.

I originally read it in the Idle Parent, where it was referenced tongue-in-cheekily to point out how little we ourselves do at home now, even as adults. I wasn't planning on it, but I kept promising Felix to fix the ever-growing hole in the seam of his snowsuit, and I also kept putting it off, either thinking of it too late at night, or when we weren't home. We designated today as "sew day" and yet I still didn't find time to do it. I spend the day practicing and since it was so nice we spent lots of time outside. Well, all of a sudden, in flies Felix, not "allowed" to play football, mad, and angry, trailing his snowsuit behind him, and without saying another word, starts sewing the seam. He doesn't stop until he's done. Then he brings me a blanket that also needed sewing, and tells me I have to do that now, or else I'll be cold at night.

theading the needle

mending the snowsuit
In the last ten minutes before I left for quintet rehearsal I sewed my blanket back together. It was more than rehearsal. We got to preview our new video, record a new piece, and build castles in the air for the future.

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