Friday, April 13, 2018

so it goes (6/365b)

yoga and prep this morning, and a lovely walk with brian to my audition, which ended unsuccessfully. ah me oh my the life of a musician.

my family and friends did cheer me up though, nina walked me back by way of das gramm coffee (we both got done at the same time)  and she carried my squeaky viola all the way. family had dinner ready, they wanted to sit on top of me, and as soon as theodore and henry knew the audition was over, they were ready to start all the new projects with me (they had been told we would wait on things till after this) i picked up my music from irmtraud for tonight's gig, and manuela and i went out for dinner at Veggiezz, where i tried to eat all the protein.

gig was strange. concert is two pieces, one is 70 min and the other 10. i am only playing in the second one. it is A Survivor from Warsaw, and is technically difficult when done well, but extremely easy when played badly. I waited until nearly 10oclock before they started to play, then we played through it once (not very well) and the conductor said he was tired and we all went home.
studying schoenberg and waiting

as Nina pointed out, it's Friday the 13th. I'm not superstitious, but I was dropping things and missing buses and doing dumb things all day. i even have a bruise on my ribcage from when my viola case fell on me in the wind. i'm also sore and tired and sad, but this too shall pass.

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