Saturday, April 7, 2018

one-egg cake (365/365a) CHALLENGE COMPLETE!

Uber-stressed out about cleaning our house this morning, but things calmed down at noon, and we had pizza and salad for dinner with Michi and Marko and family. They stayed to watch Centa open the ostrich easter egg. everyone took a little saw at it, but centa did the most of the work, and the most of the cake.


more middle
more middle
our biggest bowls, one for the egg white, one for the egg yolk
still middle, needs frosting
but we are waiting till tomorrow
thanks for the picture, centa
A glorious evening, we played through the whole mozart quartet movement, and i did yoga with the kids, who laughed through the whole thing. then practicing and skyping, and maybe we will celebrate.

celebrate what? that was a year! i kept it up against all odds (technically i did not actually perfectly take a photo every day, but everyone is telling me to keep going so maybe i will)
celebrate how? with centa, and labeeby over skype, and two glasses of leftover wine from dinner, one red, one champagne, which Brian lovingly got out of bed to cuvee. <3



  2. Yay, you completed the challenge, well sinc Irmagirl! Mwah
