Sunday, April 8, 2018

new day new challenge (1/365b)

365a started off as a photo challenge, and ended up at the de facto family journal made ever so strangely public, where i share with honesty the more interesting (in my opinion) moments of the day. so now i start off on 365b, let's see where we end up with that...

so yesterday we baked an ostrich egg.

the first thing i did this morning was frost and decorate it, and after that i had no more creative energy for a photo.
pine nuts and egg shell
The poem in the background reads:
This EGG is real - it's not a joke,
It's full of egg-white and egg-yolk,
BE CAREFUL - 'cause it's not hard-boiled
It is fresh and quite un-spoiled!
So please don't drop it - it might break
That would be a BIG mistake!
A big egg-puddle on the floor,
Dripping, dripping, out the door!
Instead, please keep it safe and cool,
Until you find the perfect tool,
To safely get its liquid treasure,
And get the greatest egg-y pleasure
 - E. Bunny (centa)

That's all there is for stories about the ostrich egg, except that we will be eating it for days, the thing is massive, four dense layers with an inches of cream between.

Other than that I had a day of leisure. Brian took the kids on a hike up Jakob's Leiter, and I practiced practiced practiced.

In the evening I took Theodore and Henry to see Candide. I spent nearly the entire second half on the floor in the back holding Henry while he didn't quite sleep, and I couldn't see much, but the music, oh  my! Thanks, Lenny. I pajama-raced the kids, I made soup for tomorrow, they got on their pajamas and brushed their teeth. They beat me, but not by much!

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