Thursday, April 19, 2018

il trovatore (12/365b)

manfred was one of the anvil singers in il trovatore.

i had two back-to-back rehearsals at my house today. first with henriette, for gerda's poetry reading tomorrow, and second with bettina for tomorrow's !Viola! recital (all the violists at the konservatory playing only stuff for viola). During those two rehearsals, brian went and bought tickets for me and michi and mary, for il trovatore.

opera time was right after yoga, so i did my favorite graz maneuvuer... bike to yoga, change my clothes, bike to the opera and park at the front door. my fancy dress went right over my yoga leggings. yoga was taught by one of anne's students, so it was done extra fast (the beginner yoga teachers talk more quickly and don't always wait long enough during the "off" times) we sat in the 13th row with a fantastic view, and watched the very intense interpretation of a very strange opera. moral of the story, "don't throw the wrong baby into the fire"

we went out to the Brandhof afterwards, couldn't quite sit with Manfred's table. The three of us celebrated Michi's new job, and at the next table sat the stars of the opera. biked back with mary, the chain on the bike she was borrowing from us is dying click-ly.

kombucha (aka Mother at Home)

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