Monday, April 16, 2018

hailstorm (9/365b)

I planted little teenytiny plants yesterday, watched them thrive in the late morning sunshine.

It was Monday, so I had lots of stuff to do, conservatory, lessons, chorus, quintet rehearsal.
Quintet rehearsal was mostly just talking, we discussed our storyboards for the next videos, and planned our next year of playing. Then on the way home, Irmtraud dropped me off at the opera, and I started walking home. Less than a minute later it was pouring sheets of rain. 20 minutes later I was home, drenched to the bone, clothes clinging to my skin. 10 minutes after that it was hailing. Brian said he couldn't even find the little seedlings we had put in so carefully one by one.

I went out in the dark after lindy hop class, waded through the deep puddles with an umbrella and a flashlight to look for my little nearly developed morels. I found one, dashed into small pieces in the dirt. That's all that was left. All I can say is, poor farmers! Apparently three times the amount of rain that Graz usually gets for all of April came down today in about 2 hours.

At least I don't have to water that garden (what's left of it) tomorrow.

under Brian's umbrella <3

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