Saturday, December 30, 2017

coffee and cameras (267/365a)

Cuntra la Cultra
i think i'll have another cup of coffee
christmas tree elf
oh the things that will never get done this year!

but regardless, i ran off this morning to get a coffee with manuela. we then went for a short walk to griesplatz where i had 2 more coffees. the first place was a pretty fancy place that i frequent when i drop my kids off at choir. the second was a more comfy grungy place with board games and smoke smell and cannabis posters. coffee is better the first place. atmosphere better the second.

despite all the coffees i was pretty mega tired. really i would have been happy sleeping all day, but mary's here, and agnes, and we had fun things to do. ingrid came over to sing christmas songs, and gave us a giant box of sheetmusic from around 1902 with mouseeaten edges and some catclaw marks.

when everyone else had gone to bed i tried for the last time to fix my lens. i kind of succeeded - i got all the parts back together in the right order (a triumph in itself) - but in my heavy handed way, it no longer turned happily, and never will. also the cable ribbon was finally completely severed (when david h. fixed it a few years ago it was very nearly severed, and we thought it would never work again, but it did.)

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