Thursday, December 7, 2017

in the blue glow of the laptop (244/365a)

lit only by a laptop
Oh my the difference a little free program can make. Having given up my daily use of the internet I went through the typical addict's withdrawal symptoms, and I know at any time I could get sucked in again. But now that the first few weeks are through I find I am less inspired to wearily pull out my computer a single time for all the same reasons I used to use to voraciously pull it out several times a day. there's a big distinction. i've gone days and weeks without a computer in the woods, in time of travel, in times of extreme business. i don't have internet on my phone. i don't reach for it when it's not available. i don't need it and i know that. the newness lies in it being available and being able to choose not to use it. Read instead. Practice. do jumping jacks. I did those things before anyways, but my go-to time-waster was one that is extremely bad for physical, mental and emotional health. now my go-to time-waster is at worst talking to real people, fixing something, reading something dumber than usual, or just being by myself listening to music. 

it was fun today, spending the whole day with felix (i kept him home from kindergarten) ... cooking out of a cookbook (everyone helped, kids chopped veggies, got herbs from the garden, made salad) ... memorizing poems ... walking to the playground .... looking at stars. the best of the best. maybe we'll go on a hike tomorrow. :)

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