Saturday, December 16, 2017

i would have liked a hot water bottle at the leechkirche but I didnt have a step ladder with me (253/365a)

Pros and cons.

Pro:Theodore and Henry snuck down early in the morning to play violin and cello together spontaneously, just for fun.
Con:Tantrums about who "owns" the trains. and what kinds of tracks "thomas" (the train engine) "likes"

Pro: Advent calendar said to make cookies so we did ;) And they were perfect.
Con:Brian's sore throat left him pretty much voiceless.

And I was so lucky to have a last minute gig (they called me on Monday) so I headed out for that.
First I went to the wrong church, because of google. I had been to the Leechkirche before, but not for a year. In the same area, google finds the leechkirche in a slightly different place - one where there also is a church, and where mysterious organ music was playing (that i never found the source of) ..... I was glad I had left so early, since I still arrived early after wandering around.
I was warm, and slightly perspired from biking though, which gave me a false sense of security when everyone was complaining about the cold. I was toasty... Until we started playing. Then it felt like my fingers would fall off. They started to tingle. My left hand fingers were completely numb. I nearly dropped my bow. I will wear more clothes tomorrow (I was wearing two pairs of pants already today!)

Felix also explained what the warning symbols of the step ladder mean:
From bottom to top:
X Not allowed to fix the door
X Not allowed to put it on the stairs
X Not allowed to... not sure... throw away
X Not allowed to put it outside in the yard
You are allowed to put a hot water bottle on it.
I was glad to be home, and drank a glass of wine and had one of the yummy cookies to warm me up. I played through Theodore's student concerto. The piano part is easy but I stumbled along though it. Then we improvised some christmas songs. He can really play in any key by ear. It's quite cool. How about you start on e? no that's too high. how about g? ... g-flat?

As I was updating my blog, I wanted beer. .. or tea... or maybe fizzy water... no maybe... about homemade kombucha, offered brian... yes, please! it checks all the boxes.

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