Wednesday, December 6, 2017

a non-recording session (243/365a)

More headache, and sickness this morning. I was glad I didn't *have* to go anywhere this morning, although I had promised to go out and meet a cat I would actually like (Nina's cat-sitting the world's nicest cat apparently, and I have to go be converted ;) ) ...... Instead I just flopped on the couch and we talked me into a nostalgic delirium before the kids came home from school.

I had to really motivate myself to move and leave to get to Centa's improv that she was doing at the departmental christmas party. i got to meet the cat! i wish i had taken a picture of her, she's a big ball of dark fluff, who responds to her name when called. nina and i walked together to the party, it was a long walk with my 7ton viola and my 8inch heels on miles of cobblestone sidewalks (that's what it felt like!) i left the party early to catch a bus to get there in time to record my percussion part with the quintett only to find they had finished recording as planned, but obviously we would have to wait till we were done editing before layering any sleighbell sounds on top. i could have thought of that too. none of us had considered that. instead we took 5 takes of taking cookies off a plate, and 0 takes of us eating them. the brand new silver tablecloth smelled like toxic chemicals and we had to throw it outside before we could have a single cookie.
setting up to grab cookies

we laughed so hard our abs hurt, and then drove home. i called brian to let me in just so i could grab this:

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