Monday, December 11, 2017

a long monday (248/365a)

It was a monday morning with all the cranky morning accouterments. .... and then off to make a thousand phone calls - i have a new gig - two in fact! - and to keep them i had to change around some other things. it was a heavily scheduled day. i was extremely inconscient during my lesson. theodore had his lesson shortly after mine. i sent him home by bus and i biked with his backpacked ... "racing home" - i was sure i would beat him by several minutes, but i got stopped by a policeman who pointed out i was biking the wrong way on a one-way street and i would have to walk my bike. he didn't fine me though! i made it home at the exact same time as theodore.

then i had "rehearsal" with quintet - just to get footage of us decorating the tree and drinking champagne. i really didn't want to leave but i had to pick up some musicans and take them to the mass in unterlamm, where we played for hours and hours and hours and hours ... it seemed. the cellist said it was the last time she would ever do a gig for a church: they're not fun and it's too cold and stressful and you never know how long it will take.
let's have a go at monday morning
it's gonna be a fun video :)

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