Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas EveEve (260/365a)

The day in which Brian and I swoop into town and do all our christmas shopping between 5:40 and 6pm, meeting up briefly at various points in the midde. I bke, he runs. Centa in the meantime walks the kids all over town the whole afternoon. Truly lovely, it was a gorgeous sunny day, warm and comfortable, and I was truly too irritable to make use of it. Let's not try to hid our emotions from ourselves, right?

I spent lots of time knitting to finish some things I had started, and some time wrapping gifts, but mostly i spent my alone time (pre shopping frenzy) reading more Kingkiller. Nice relaxation. :)

When everyone got home they were tired and hungry, so we ate and went to bed, except Theodore who had to go back to the eiskrippe and sing for singschule. They sang beautifully, the same program as they sang in the opera for the christmas concert. Some of those songs make me cry so easily. When he was between songs I ran briefly to see if they spar on hauptpl was still open, only to find that there is no more spar on hauptpl. Funny I hadn't noticed till then.

The frenzy at the spar at the train station was unbelievable. Everyone grabbing this across people, packed aisles, packed checkout lines.... We got our few things we wanted and headed out. I was happy to be out with just Theodore, walking along and talking. When we got home though he was very tired, and went off to sleep with the others.

Ingrid came by with some old clothes and some new news, and played the guitar and told us stories and shared some champagne with us.

brian snuck a photo of me knitting and ingrid playing from his "rise up singing" book.
she knows so many cool folk songs in english!

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