Sunday, December 3, 2017

sugar fat salt (240/365a)

a bowl of late night ramen with an egg

the day was split into nutritive parts:

a 6am leaving time (extra padding room to get lost in which we used up taking the wrong exit on the highway) to arrive in Gaishorn in time for a giant breakfast of basically pure sugar - with coffee... so many kinds of pastries. we needed the calories. the church was unheated and very cold. we looked like we were on fire since we were all breathing white vapor. we played the bruckner mass with exceptionally cold fingers. manfred sang his solo, the Benedictus, especially nicely. It took us a long time to tune - it was so cold, the pegs didn't want to stay, and the organ was at 436....

Dropped off Nadja first to let Henry have a lesson. Got home in time to grab a snack for the road and hurry theodore and henry to get ready. chopped an apple, grabbed some nuts, and a (very dark) chocolate bar. The chocolate counts as the fat in this story. We got to the opera in time to watch the Marriage of Figaro which made me cry and laugh and I loved every second of the first time. Manfred stood in the back with us too. We four had the Stehplätze all to ourselves, which was quite wonderful. We had our snacks at intermission and I gave the boys the option to go home, but they didn't want to. We got seats in the front instead (where we actually saw less than before, but we didn't have to stand) and finished watching. Brian came to get them and I had about 1000 melodies stuck in my head. I found Barbara and Sophia and we went to catch the tram.

The tram said it would come in another 35minutes! So we called taxis. Both of us called, and neither of got through. We waited and called again. No taxi. We called Irmtraud, no answer. We called Klaus - he was on his way. Surprised to find all three of us there waiting for him, I think. Rehearsal for our soon to be recording stuff. Headachey. I was tired by the end. At home, I got myself all the salt I could find, and basically just tired but happy.

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