Saturday, December 9, 2017

leaving bikes all over the city (246/365a)

abandoned for only a short time
Very tired for unknown reasons... well, i guess 4 missed hours of sleep are 4 good reasons.

Out of the blue, while Brian was out for his long run, Henry said: "I know who the biggest money wasters are... The cool boys with their electric skateboards looking at their phones."

And Felix said: "are you the boss? <yes> then you are lazy because bosses don't do any work"

Hmm... wonder what priming we are doing for those kinds of comments.

Theodore sang christmas songs with his choir today at the opera. He wanted his hair cut first, so I did that. We all went to watch. He did a good job. Afterwards I went to get Brian's bike that I had left in the city center yesterday. Then I went to get my bike that I had left at Nina's ... umm... days

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