Friday, December 22, 2017

Impromptu pizza party (259/365a)

Mary left this morning, and Agnes was not thrilled about it, but she'll be back Christmas eve. A rehearsal, concert, rehearsal concert in koper and then she'll be here again. :)

Felix wanted to go to kindergarten again this morning, but not enough to actually get ready to go, so he stayed home. He and Agnes and I drew Dürer bunnies for a few hours.
Agnes, Albrecht, and Felix
Jackie and Andi stopped by and I ungracefully showed off my coffee machine, first covering the floor with water by accident, and then not paying attention to when it was ready to steam. They coundered ungracefullyness with graciousness. They brought cookies and told us they would be back in 2018. I complained that time was going by too fast, and they countered by saying time just is the way it is. they suggested that we travel together to iceland. when i asked if there would still be northern lights in may they said probably not, but that we would just have to travel again... let's see.

manuela and nina and kris all came by at exactly the same time. The kids were off at choir when they got here, but they soon came back. We sat on the floor and chatted, then moved the table into the big room and I made pizza. Only one more block of cheddar from London in the freezer...

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