Thursday, December 28, 2017

Riegersburg! (265/365a)

[only 100days to go on this project!]

A visit to Nina's family in Riegersburg was on the menu today. I was up so ridiculously early completely naturally, no alarm clock, before all the kids, and baked bread. Rye to bring with me. Wheat to leave here. Theodore is still feverish and tired, so he opted to stay here. I was nervous how the rye would turn out, since sourdough is not yet a mastered skill. I sported my cool sunglasses that Rene picked out for me at yoga once. We borrowed a car from a carsharing website, which links people who need one with people who have a car that's sitting around that day. Cheap and easy.
leaving Graz

Burg from the road...
We arrived in the drizzle, and enjoyed quite the wonderful dinner. Phil was too sick to join us, sadly. The afternoon progressed quite nicely, with Henry and Felix thoroughly impressed by the christmas tree, and the "magic" magnets, and other niceties around the house. We went for a nice walk in the dusk, where we saw the silhouette of the burg in the fog, grey and yet still beautiful. The rain turned to snow. The lights from the streetlamps on the umbrellas was beautiful. When we were back, the rye cut beautifully. The Austrian coffee-wine-coffee-wine tradition is a tough act to keep up with. The only way is with bread and cheese to help absorb the drugs. We sang so many christmas songs. I did not play the guitar very well, but Kurt's guitar is so beautiful and nice to play, so it was hard to give it back.
Snow on the rooftops
At home Theodore was nearly in bed. I read him the end of his book, The Railway Children. The other kids had fallen asleep in the car. It was review day in yoga and i put it off till the last possible minute, and nearly fell asleep on the floor in the relaxation period at the end.

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