Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day (262/365a)

The day started with the traditional Stollen. We were out of butter, so we used vegan butter, which Mary pointed out would maybe be offended at being paired with eggs and cow's milk. But it was fine. The Stollen  was good, for Stollen. The bread that you make with raisins and candied orange peel and chopped nuts that nobody *really* likes but everyone would miss if you didn't have it on christmas morning. right? 

Ingrid came over too, with some more presents for Martin and Mary and stayed to compliment our new coffee machine. ;) The floor of the living room was completely covered in wrapping paper and ribbons, because I like the feeling of chaos for a day or two at christmas time.

We listened to christmas music and sang along. Went for seperate walks. Agnes and Felix with M+M. Henry with Brian. Me with Theodore. We looked for birds. We found lots of different types, and it was very nice "bonding" time ......

Manuela came back from Klagenfurt and came to us for Christmas dinner - mushrooms and pasta and salad. The kids couldn't wait so we gave them a seperate table to eat at. They set it themselves, and put effort into it, but when food arrived they couldn't all sit still at once and just eat without fighting or arguing. We tried to make chocolate mousse for dessert but it took too long to chill and we settled for ingrid's cookies.
the adults... i didn't get the dress in red memo

Kids table with kids everywhere, and Manuela trying to voice of reason.

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