Wednesday, December 20, 2017

drum circles and polaroids (256/365a)

My kids were all at kindergarten and school this morning, and Mary caught up on sleep. Centa and I played and read with Agnes all morning, which was so fun. I made more christmas cookies, and we drew/wrote many pictures and stories, basically covering the kitchen table and floor with paper and paper scraps and pencils and markers.

In the evening I rehearsed with Thomas and Helga for Thursday's reading/concert about Otto Siegl. I think it will really work out! I waited until nearly midnight before I did yoga. I don't want to make a habit of midnight yoga, but it's better than the habit of no yoga ;)

polaroid posing with the same t-shirt
[We went through a bag of second-hand clothes and found two shirts, one blue one red, with the same design on them. The two youngest cousins took a liking to them, and Theodore immediately got out his instamatic and took too instaphotos of them. My heart! 
Henry also practiced very happily and very energetically with Mary.
And Mary organized a drum circle with flutes and whistles, including her personal klezmer arragement of Go Tell Aunt Rody - she really has a musical gift and a children gift and knows how to combine them too!]

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