Tuesday, December 12, 2017

still finding time for yoga (249/365a)

There is an old Zen adage, “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day — unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.”

(a million poorly referenced citations on the internet.... all a bit different... but we heard this too at some point, and we apply it to lots of things in our life)

we're trying to finish the 28-day yoga book in 28 days... started many times but have never managed... will we be successful? we don't have a book though. there's something sad about practicing with a computer.... but so be it.

yoga on the computer
as for today... we welcome our newest bacterial addition to our family: a sourdough starter. 

we got it from the mother of henry's school friend finn. she makes the most amazing homemade bread i have ever eaten ever barring none - and it doesn't have a trace of wheat in it. wow. let's see if mr. starter works for us too.

it was nice to be over there for the afternoon. very relaxing, since finn's grandfather had all five boys outside playing the whole time. 

finally an early night for the kids, which meant we could stay up late ... we brought half a bottle of wine to j&a's house - expressly so that we would not stay too long. we only stayed for double the amount of time we set out to stay ;)

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