Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Yoga and Pubbing (73/365a)

I don't believe in babying my kids. I don't typically like "music for kids" or "yoga for kids" because they tend towards dumbifying and condecension. so i bring theodore (sometimes henry or felix if they have had enough sleep) with me to "real" concerts, and "real" theater.sometimes it doesn't work out, but mostly it does.
like with yoga. i take theodore occasionally to my yoga class. an hour and a half of movement sandwiched between 10-minutes of deep meditation and he does pretty well.
today his feet were still covered in pine sap. he pretty much chased me as i was walking out the door saying " i want to go too!" grabbed his helmet and off we biked together.
a child in child's pose

at home we were met by Manuela, bearing gifts for the children, back from scotland.
she walked with me to meet Hannah at the pub, stopping long enough to buy snacks and see the sunset.
a 10-second "prost"

pub was down a very pretty little alley

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