Tuesday, June 13, 2017

by the light of the blue glow (66/365a)

blue glow
Spending time lately with my computer and in my thoughts and in books. Spent some meditation time at yoga today and at one point my mind wandered to a story I decided to share:

Making banana ice cream involves cutting up ripe bananas and freezing them for later. when we blended some up the kids split it amongst themselves. They were quite happy doing so, until Felix pointed out it wasn't fair that mama didn't get any. Henry said that it was fair, because mama "got to" cut up the bananas, (which I guess is clearly better than getting to eat them)

Quite a happy day today, except for a short tantrum involving Brian removing a tag from an article of clothing by request, and then refusing to fish it out of the trash and sew it back on. For the record, Brian wasn't the tantrum thrower.

Really, other than that just lovely everything. Coffee in the treehouse (nina!) and playing music in the basement, and painting a bench, and crafty things, and practicing, and yoga, and abenteuerspielplatz and yummy food and the first styrian apricots of the season.

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