Thursday, June 1, 2017

truffles before rehearsal (54/365a)

ART ladies
ltr: Serge, Yvan, Marc and wildviolalady
When your play is about a white canvas with the power to make and break friendships and relationships and you see on the side of a construction site "Many things can be hidden under white" then...... you just have to get a picture.

First a spontaneous treehouse coffee then a spontaneous fancy breakfast with fresh shaved truffles (!?) and prosecco with friends, some invited some just randomly stopping by. then rehearsal. and cleaning. lots and lots of cleaning. (bad back + visit + BUSY = justdoitlaterbutnowlaterisnow) then spontaneous babysitting with Manuela at the Foerster house with lots of spontaneous chocolate cake. (where i accidentally whipped cream into butter)

Exhausted at the end of the day.

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