Sunday, June 18, 2017

A day in the salt air (70/365a)

Headed to the beach first thing in the morning which means we got there in time for a prime hammock-hanging spot. Mary's birthday hammock soon made friends with some trees
how many engineers does it take?

And while brian and mary went off swimming with all 4 kids i nearly fell asleep in the hammock. martin sensed the dangers of early sleep and suggested a cup of kava (java, coffee, kaffee)
I said only in a real cup. The first cafe wouldn't give him one but the second one did.

so happy with my bela kava (large cappuccino, small by american standards)

Felix ate so many peaches that mary went with him to get some more. he ate all of those, so brian went to get more. we ate more than that besides. our dinner was raw vegan and delicious. nuts fruit more fruit and cucumbers and peppers. perfect beach food actually. hydrating refreshing and yummy.

we were invited to mary's in-laws for afternoon coffee and cake. i chose a special spot in the shade to lay down in.
88 year old grandmother showed up in her house dress.
dunja says: you should wear real clothes, don't you know we have company?
mary points out, look at my sister laying on the ground in the driveway. who are you trying to impress?
everyone laughs. except me. because i don't understand slovenian.
in malja
games and fun in the evening. henry makes a tripod for a dollhouse kettle. we play gobblet and quoridor and drink wine and eat about 10,000 pounds of garlic bread, stay up LATE till 11pm and go to sleep.
building a tripod for a goulash pot

concentrating on quoridor
learning the rules
a good move in the game against uncle martin

teaming up

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