Monday, June 12, 2017

Felix's birthday for real (65/365a)

It's actually his birthday today.

Unfortunately it started with tantrums and sadness, maybe too much excitement yesterday.
But it ended up gorgeous, outside with cake (revisited) and presents and projects and music.

my FOUR year old!

blowing out candles

on a walk downtown, taking theodore to chorus.
finally started the great giving away shoe project. there are so many pairs here of sizes and shapes that nobody wears, some nearly brand new. i've been meaning to photograph them and sell them for the last 2 years, and i finally took the first step. yes, my to-do list is years long.
Alle auf einmal
goodbye shoes - maybe someone will buy them.
canceled this action out by stealing dishes out of the trash....... 

and brian and i went to the last swing dance workshop of the season tonight. we are officially LINDY HOPPERs!! <3


  1. Happy Birthday Felix!
    Wonderful photos as always! Looking forward to see you all!

  2. thank you! what day will you be back? i just happened to be posting when you wrote this... :)
