Sunday, June 11, 2017

Celebrating Felix's birthday (64/365a)

He wanted it at Arthur's house. So I called Arthur's parents yesterday and asked "can we come over and celebrate our kids' birthday there?" They said yes, so off we went this morning, attempting to take a picnic for 9 in cloth bags on the bus.

The cake was a failure. Felix spent 30 minutes collecting currents, and I spent time and ingredients making the thing only to burn it on the top, undercook it in the middle and then have half of it fall out of the pan and the other half stubbornly stuck to the well greased interior. The result was a greasy messy pile of nake (not-cake) that we decided not to transport. We sang with to a candle stuck into a bowl of cherries, from about half of which we then had to remove little wax drippings. fine. it was fun anyways.
we found the brand new, never-before-lit 4 candle in the bottom of our candle cabinet in the house.
"i wonder why i wonder why i wonder why i wonder. i wonder why i wonder why i wonder why i wonder" - Feynman
Arthur's mom also does face-painting, so cuteness was had by all:
felix and arthur

Presents and cake and banana ice-cream will just have to wait till tomorrow. Insta-sleep at home-time.

(also, only 300 more days before one year of posting, haha)

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