Saturday, June 24, 2017

Boys Day with Fritz (77/365a)

I have no pictures of Boys Day that Theodore and Henry went on with Fritz. I know they went to visit a cave that nearly nobody in the world knows about, and brought back some fossilized bones. I know they came back with a balancing stick sculpture that can be taken apart and reassembled at will. I know they came back with blisters, smiles and extreme tiredness.

Meanwhile, Felix and I walked home together the slowest way possible, he on his bike, and stopped at everything we found interesting (a lot!)

We watched people unloading the produce at AKDAG (the turkish market around the corner) and I saw 5 boxes of amazing figs come off the truck. I decided to buy a whole box of them, but realized I didn't have enough cash with me, so went 2 houses down to an ATM, withdrew money, came back, and found they had exactly ONE BOX left. win for me. walking out of the store at least 5 people asked "where I found" the figs, or whether I would sell them some. Little do they know how many figs a family of 5 fig-eaters can eat!

a self-portrait in this situation is not as simple as it looks. (But i love how this turned out!)

we started the mushroom process - soaking the logs in the bathtub will take 3 days.
Felix took photos - not bad for a 4-year-old.... the camera is super heavy! He can barely hold it upright!

We gardened despite the heat.
Brian made yummy salad.
I bought some herbs and planted them.

When Fritz brought the boys back, he and I had coffee in the treehouse, and talked about Algeria.

It took so long to get the children to bed this evening that we missed out on getting to watch a movie together. Tomorrow Brian will head to Vienna, the next day to London, and when he returns Thursday morning, we will be in full US-trip planning mode. Maybe no more movies until mid-september.....

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