Friday, June 23, 2017

sommerfest and summer showers (76/365a)

In the morning I met up with a lovely lady, a self-published children's book author, singer, songwriter, painter, theater lady who needed (very minimal) help with musical notation. for a few hours we did that, and then i went off to grab theodore and a good water melon (the nice man at the market threw my water melon away and gave me a different, supposedly better, one)

It was blisteringly hot.
everyone waiting for the rain to stop

The clouds broke as we got to theodore's end-of-school summer party, and we were kindly asked to not leave, the storm would be over soon, so we hid under the eaves, and the rain beat down.

[meanwhile, brian was at kindergarten, searching for the correct size and type of wood logs to use for mushroom growing and he was completely soaked and scratched and covered in mud by the end of it, and just missed seeing theodore's class perform a song]

after lots of calorific but nutritionless food we took our empty watermelon bowl home.... later at the playground found that Fritz (a really cool guy who runs the place and lets people climb trees with climbing equipment and buys 50lb bag of grain etc etc) was working on saving a baby magpie injured in a fall out of its nest.
die elster die ist schwarz und weiss...
he also helped theodore finish the wheels on his locomotive, but because his mama (:-/) drilled the holes wrong it still doesn't quite move right. it's quite pretty though!

Theo no.1
Went for an amazing cool (phew!) walk with Nina, and talked about our adolescence. Wine was drunk on the return but I didn't stay up too late for the first time this week (and this on a friday night!)

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