Monday, June 19, 2017

a marathon of mess ups(71/365a)

the adriatic
started the morning looking everywhere for my (literally) beeping cellphone.
brian was messaging me from his run - it was a run he had left at 5am for, to get to the border of croatia and back. it ended up being nearly twice the distance he had originally bargained for. a full marathon in fact! he had noticed my cell phone lying on the floor by the bed and helpfully moved it to the cell phone pocket of our backpack. i looked in the big stupid pockets of the backpack and under the bed/couch, but couldn't find that stupid electronic piece of technology.

off to the beach we go without brian. i write him a note, which i leave in the apartment to which he has no key. i write the time on top of the note, because i hate when people leave notes without the time on them. of course, i would also hate if people leave notes for me and then lock them in a 4th story apartment to which i have no key.

i can't actually use the key to mary's apartment because it's foolsafe - fools like me can't figure out how to turn a key. mary has to go back to lock the note in.

mary has no phone either.

on the bus we decide to go a little further to martin's work so we can call brian and let him know where we are.
we do so, and in the create several little screaming monster tantrums for various reasons.

end up at the beach one peach short, several knives short (the kids want a different knife for each peach, because sharing is hard) and 3 euros and 60 cents between us (including the extra euro 50 because i didn't need to pay for my bus because i am so darn cute.

phew. brian ends up finding us.

mary and i enjoyed a long chat and a coffee by ourselves on the adriatic sea

we end up playing a little longer than going home and sending m&m off for a date night while we pack up. under mary's careful tutelage i make a "fidget clapper" for theodore. the world's first by that name. one of the world's first of any kind, since it's mary's invention.

we spend longer than we want to packing and saying good bye.

right past all the construction traffic from construction that is SO not being done right now, i realize i left my purse (including ID and money and wallet) in slovenia. when i call, i wake up martin, who confirms yes, the purse was under the table, just where i left it.

then we saw a burning tractor trailer. hm. all in all, a fun day where nothing happened. all the little things balance out in the end. i'll have to figure out how to get my purse and wallet back!

i may be deciding  that the right tool for a job is a hand saw which i will use in the kitchen

brian may be tired from his run

no traffic jams for this

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