Sunday, June 4, 2017

Another Day in the Dolomites (57/365a)

Thankfully migraine gone this morning. All I needed was some very strong coffee and some ibuprofen and about 13 hours of sleep.
Started late this morning, headed out on an expedition to find a gondola ride to some beautiful views.
We found some clouds.
it's still kind of pretty, but not what we were looking for.
When we reached the bottom, it was raining, and we were all cold. Well, our family. The Nelson family was very well prepared. We found some postcards and wrote them while waiting for the rain to stop.
And finally decided to go to a restaurant and wait out the rain/cold/notreallystorm.
getting warm

Went out while it was still drizzling and were rewarded with lifting fog and beautiful vistas.
aww, that's us!

stayed for a sunset picnic

which quickly turned cold, and basically ran down, to our cars, said "Adieu" in the parking lot, and headed "home".... Next stop, Salzburg.

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