Thursday, June 15, 2017

west side story on the other side of the Mur (67/365a)

With Michi
Spent the day being thwarted by daily stuff, but just minor annoyances. The street to kindergarten was closed, I could wait a half an hour for them to open it, or I could drive a half hour around the mountain and go up the back way. That kind of thing. No big deals.

Helped Jackie plant tomato plants since we won't be here when they are in full ripe. I had been watching over these since they were barely seedlings, and I was oddly emotional while putting them in

I was oddly emotional all day actually.

At the playground, I tried to decide between two different evening entertainments. Michi and I decided on West Side Story. I wanted to cry the whole time. the music is so beautiful.

On the way back we stopped at a cafe which turned out to be closed, along with the whole area because of a bomb threat. I mean, growing up in Worcester and Syracuse we spent a good percentage of school standing outside because of bomb threats and false fire alarms, but it just reminded me that we live on the "wrong side" of the river. 

Nina and Centa and Brian helped drink some wine at home.

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