Sunday, June 25, 2017

an indoor picnic (78/365a)

Brian made himself on his way early in the morning, first Vienna then London.

We walked him to the end of the street to catch his bus and said our goodbyes.

Solstice was the beginning of the week. The weeks before and since have been filled with crankiness: Kids and I are sleep deprived, the nights seem short, we go to bed late and and the sun wakes us up extra early. We spend the day outside, where the sun steals all our energy.

Today was no different sleep-wise. Too little sleep, a little cranky.

We found an old pair of opapa's glasses with some tools in the basement.

Theodore likes to have his violin lessons in the basement. It's nice and cool there.
But today was going to a picnic with Manuela in the Park! And today I was gonig to play trios after the kids' music lessons....... Well, a big rain with thundershowers scared the music teachers away, and decided us against the park.

We decided to set up the picnic in the living room.
We couldn't wait till Manuela got here to start on the food, even though she wa bringing half of it.
still cranky even after 1000 cherries.

In the evening our dear cousin Ingrid Cz. came by and brought some old clothes for us sisters and showed us pictures of relatives 3 generations ago. some wine and chatting later....... it was sleep time, which is always a little bit more lonely without my special dear.

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