Saturday, June 10, 2017

sleepy (62/365a)

Moms are always sleepy, but I was for some reason extra sleepy today, falling asleep on the floor twice.

Once was a normal one, reading bedtime stories.

 Once was rather stranger, at orchestra rehearsal, where i sat down with felix to help him take a nap, and woke up laying on my back with felix on top of me 30 minutes later, rehearsal underway.

In the midst of this sleepiness I still took photographs, but I also left my camera at a friends' house.

So I can't post any of those today.

I will just leave you with the instructions to google Mel Robbins' ted talk, but just remember, you're never going to feel like it.

1 comment:

  1. Did it and can already tell I am not going to regret it :)
