Monday, March 1, 2021

moon walking (60/365e)

We invented "kobold week" for chores - everyone is now collecting points to try to get the most chore points. More if you work together. The kids went a bit nuts trying to game the system. I had to tell them not to do TOO MANY chores. I doubt it will last, but the kitchen is very clean right now, and there are no dishes piled up, and the compost has been taken out very often. Still nobody wants to vacuum. 

Feels very warm in the sun - crocuses are starting to come out and the soccer ball keeps hitting them. I had to put up a barricade, or they would be already completely destroyed. As it is, I'll be surprised if any of them make it to blooming.

sunny reading spot

Nina stopped by for a minute or two on her way home. First social contact in a while, and even then, only very brief.

I looked up on online tutorial about how to moon-walk and spent a long time with my kids trying to get the hang of it. It was pretty fun. I showed them a Michael Jackson video, and they were impressed. They weren't sure if it was a girl or a boy. Or why he had to keep pulling up his pants. 

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