Sunday, February 28, 2021

4 cake nirthday (59/365e)

Woke up so very early, like 4:30am, which is just perfect for the california time zone, so I had a nice chat with Nick. 

We had a Nirthday party Centa… Ingrid organized morning cake and coffee out the window.

robert frost says good fences make good neighbors

serving cake to the neighbors

I made Centa dinner, and we had more cake. Centa had friends over who brought more cake, and they talked over the fence. 

toasting from the street

I went on a domestic project binge and started shortening the curtains - a horribly tedious and low-yield project. Irmtraud brought over a beautiful hornet’s nest for us to examine. 

We watched pirates of penzance and had swiss family robinson. Papa and Mama watched henry and Theodore play organ pieces on zoom.

I had a chat-date with Danielle too, which was the first in a long long time. we want to do a creative night some time - with the usual suspects, liam, nick, brian and us.

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