Monday, March 8, 2021

women's day (67/365e)

Straight back to Mondays full of STUFF again 

I had my Elke lesson in the morning. I brought back my library movie (I have had it out for months what with lockdowns, holidays and quarantine and renewals) and bought flowers for Elke on my way there. Today would have been my exam. Waaaah 

Everyone was in school again! Henry and Felix took the hornet’s nest in with them to show their classes, and were very proud of it.

 and it since today IS Frauentag, Nina and I celebrated a tiny bit in the evening, while Theodore was at his Elke lesson. 

When Theodore came home, we listened to light princess and swiss family robinson, had fun with all the evening entertainment stuff, and then as we were getting ready to fall into bed he suddenly "remembered" he had homework. Oops. He did it in a sloppy quick way and I promised if he was up early enough he could rewrite it and fix any mistakes he found then. With that he was appeased. It's kind of junky to have so much extra stuff on monday and also have lots of extra homework today too, just by chance.

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