Wednesday, March 3, 2021

sleepy day (62/365e)

Today was a Sleepy day... I was up at 430 and back in bed at7. I even took a mid-afternoon nap. I was sore all day from my workout yesterday. I need more exercise in my life, this quarantine is not healthy!

Henry has finally almost caught up on his homework by doing a little extra (or a lot extra) each day. 

For dinner I made leftover vegetable soup into savory schmarn and I made a spinach quiche which was so popular i didn't get a piece... We ate outside in the sun: how lovely that we can do that every day right now, without that we would go crazy I think. 

lovely reading moment

Papa started light princess which Agnes "loves".

What's really weird is a movie called Sylvia Scarlett which Brian and I watched this evening. 

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