Tuesday, March 2, 2021

tuesday blues (61/365e)

lots of lessons - of course, all online. 2 organ lessons and 1 violin plus tons of the normal school stuff for theodore. I sent a video to Elke of me playing through my whole program. I was heartbroken though that I had to move my exam because of corona - it's unfair that I had everything timed perfectly, up to having my bow rehaired at the right moment, and then corona has to come and move everything around. 

Brian is certainly feeling sick and tired - he slept a lot and read a little all day long, except for a bridge game with Henry and Felix. Henry was always the dummy because he was trying to finish homework. He's overwhelmed with homework, because he got behind over the weekend. 

Talked to Jackie who's sad about her dog Ruby being newly paralyzed. 

Pauli stopped by with a broken tooth to borrow a book, and we read Swiss Family Robinson - this time without Agnes, who has kind of lost interest in it. We're going to read a different book with her whenever she's up for joining us and keep reading Swiss Family Robinson on our own.

Brian and I had a late night supper alone together after bed time.

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