Thursday, March 25, 2021

burnt beans (83/365e)

today was officially "kobold day" for chores, where we try to do as many chores from other people as possible. this one was a bit of a bust, people didn't seem as excited about this one as they have before.

brian and i walked to the farmers market together. i don't like being there with a mask, it feels a little silly.

i made a score-video for the "corona canon" with centa, so that we could post it online publicly, so that she could use it as a proof of concept for other groups who perhaps would want to sing it.

the day was so lovely i took felix out of ice-cream after his singschule stimmbildung. as i arrived at home so did both pauli and maria, randomly. we stood in the doorway discussing literature for a while, and then pauli and i went for a walk along the mur.

in the evening i chatted online with papa for a little while, every once in a while sniffing.... kind of catching occasional whiffs of burning. my thoughts said "good! the kids are making themselves something, possible making pancakes or something" but no, it was actually me cooking and forgetting. i had left lentils on the stove, the water burned off, the beans burned all the way, and the smell was bad enough with the lid on the pot that i could smell little whiffs of it downstairs. upstairs in the attic the smell was really atrocious, so we opened up all the windows and theodore brought his stuff downstairs to sleep in our room.

Stayed up late with centa, drinking beer and whiskey. nothing to celebrate. just because.

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