while theodore did his early morning online-school work, brian and i talked about how to teach children things in general. since we are total experts in child psychology and pedagogy we of course know all the answers and take great pleasure in explaining the arts to one another, although each of already know everything the other expert has to say. today i decided that although everything in nature takes the path of least resistance, the best learning takes the path of most resistance, or at least a lot of resistance. googling an answer will not make you remember the answer as well as looking it up, and that in turn won't help you as much as, say, trying it yourself.
then i felt like another museum. this time, theodore and i picked up felix and henry from school, and we went to the history museum. I brought along some christmas fruit-cake for a snack, and then we spent a few hours there. Felix said it was his favorite museum ever.
it was exceptionally cold today. i was wearing my winter hat and coat in the sun and still freezing.
brian cooked us dinner while we were out, and we made turks-head-knot bracelets all afternoon. Theodore cried when it got too confusing, and we had to start over several times. very often. at the end of the day, after swiss family robinson reading, i finally got the first one finished. learning new things is hard!
finished "mysteries" and started reading "have space-suit, will travel" and also started really reading zweig's "magellan" (my 3rd or 4th time starting it, and 40 pages in, i finally have arrived at magellan, so perhaps i will stay on track now)
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