Tuesday, March 23, 2021

two twos (81/365e)

Spent a large part of the day researching and writing about a very strange composer named Pater Hartmann von An der Lan Hochbrunn, or some version of about 20 different versions of that name. I have spent way too long procrastinating on this task and decided to just finally DO it today. I didn't get all the way done. There was still practicing with the kids to do, and cooking, and light cleaning, and practicing on my own. I didn't get up till late, because i wanted to be absolutely sure my headache was gone from yesterday.

Both of the two older kids brought home their first 2 (letter grade b) ever... both on a german exam. little tiny detail mistakes add up. i was a bit disappointed, only because i know they can do better!

The kids spent the afternoon at the abenteuerspielplatz, and i did more composer writing, but not enough yet. 

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