Thursday, March 4, 2021

Crocus day! (63/365e)

Crocus day! - A reference to a Jackanory story called "Little Nose the Joker" - It's like april fool's day, only it happens whenever you see the first crocus of the season. Felix has been on the lookout for one since the beginning of February. He's been planning tricks since last year. Despite all the mischievousness, everyone's mood was extremely volatile: they were quick to cry and I was quick to shout. Oh boy.

Despite that we did have fun playing tricks and playing music... Theodore even played violin for papa and mama over zoom after we read the light princess.

intercontinental concert

As it happens Theodore's quarantine ends tomorrow, even though we had been promised yesterday or today. He had to miss his singing-trio rehearsal because I had been sure that he would be out of quarantine by this afternoon. In fact we got a call that said we have to wait for a special document before Theodore can leave. Ah sweet mysteries of life.

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