Friday, March 12, 2021

surprise day (71/365e)

I had no plans for the morning, and Jackie came by unannounced and we had breakfast. As we were finishing breakfast, Nina also came over, with croissants, and who am I to say no to second breakfast? Brian worked through our mega double spontaneous party. 

After a spontaneous call I had received earlier in the morning, I went to show Graz's Urwald to Renate. We wandered around for a few hours, hugging trees and breathing the fresh air on the absolutely gorgeous day. We met nearly no other people. 

weird self portrait of me, looking up at the amazing ceiling which is not pictured....

Sadly there was a pushing fighting shoving tantrum fight about lego that resulted in some broken glass, which wasn't a great way to start the game night with Ingrid, who came quite a bit later than she had planned. Centa played too, and shared neighbor's grand-kids twin birthday cake. We had a great game evening, the kids were happy playing and also sometimes chose not to play and just watch, which I think is a good thing to learn.

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