Thursday, March 18, 2021

new skills (77/365e)

Woke up super crazy super early. I was long up when Brian started his mastermind at 6am. I then woke the kids up singing. .... and went back to sleep after the kids left for school.

Music theory class meant that Henry and Theo didn't get to go to the abenteuerspielplatz, but Felix went on his own, and he was very happy to leave by himself. so happy that he didn't tell me he was leaving, and i chased him down the street and carried him back so that i could remind him gently that we aaaallllwaaays have to say where we are going. he did not like that, but it was necessary, i think.

After he agreed that I was right, we happily walked along together, I dropped him off at the playground and then I dropped my bike off for repairs and stopped at Carla and bought random stuff err don't need, including an amazing top. it started SNOWING suddenly and very strongly. the wind was blisteringly strong when I was returning with my purchases, which i was clutching in my fingers because, why would I be wearing gloves or proper winter clothes when it is sunny and not snowing when I left ?

Also bought big crochet hooks for learning. By the evening, while listening to Hans Brinker, I was binding off a blanket for heartbear that Felix had half crocheted (of course i had started it, but he did several rows all on his own)

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